UPDATED 9/14/17

Linda Adams
3 min readAug 23, 2017

When someone elopes

***this story was updated as a result of not wanting to give credit to the original idea

What is eloping? Running off to the typical setting: Las Vegas, perhaps. Getting married by a justice of peace or some random guy at the chapel wearing a suit that looked as if it belonged to Elvis in the 70s.

That’s the way I always envisioned eloping would be like. I just wouldn’t know first hand. But this weekend, I heard a story of someone having eloped and it made me think of the whole idea behind an actual wedding and its cost….

A story indeed. A true depiction of love.

It reminded me how grand love can be. It made me remember the magic that surrounds two people when they solidify their commitment with rings, vows and ceremony. When their bond becomes one.

A much needed wake-up call that caused me to stop what I was doing and see my life with different lenses. A good lesson for me at this time of my life because lately, I’ve been on the go and that is not so good for my soul. I need to stop and take in what means the most to me. My family means the most to me. I finally had a 15 minute phone conversation with my mom yesterday and after I hung up, I cried. I cried because she lives 10 minutes from my house yet I hardly see her. I miss her. I miss having tea with her, something we shared often when I was growing up.

It’s about savoring the moment and the benefits I reap from forming the memory. Keeping it safe in my mind so I can retrieve it contiually, at any given time. This is more important than the solar eclipse. It’s my life and I want to treasure every ounce of what I have been blessed with.

Where did the time go? Am I guilty of letting it go? I believe I was and am sometimes. But I won’t be responsible for losing time anymore.

I want to make more memories. Even if a memory lasts for 30 minutes.

Like the one I created last night by going to the mall with my daughter an hour before they closed. I was tired, but I wanted the time alone with her, something I don’t have the opportunity to enjoy. Like on Sunday when I grabbed lunch with my son for a mere 15 minutes. I knew I risked being late to work, but my time with him was too precious to pass up. And after I finish writing my story today, I plan on taking a bike ride with my husband. Something we haven’t done since last year when we used to ride together all the time.

Everything happens for a reason. I’m glad my reason was born of love.

Congrats to love — the energy it slipped in my own heart. I am so grateful.

