How to translate dreams

Linda Adams
2 min readJun 29, 2017


This post is an extension of the one from yesterday titled “Mafia training days” but it is not a continuation. I merely want to discuss how I believe dreams are purely an expression of what our mind recalls, thinks of and subconsciously dwells on.

I shared my dream with a co-worker and she responded in shock that I would dream about being in a mafia. “Do you think about doing this?” To which I replied, “Well I was a big Sopranos fan back in the day so I have always wondered what it would be like to exist in one.”

But it goes further than that. My parents’ first house in the city was previously owned by someone who had a lot of clout, to put it nicely. He was the only home owner in a 6 mile radius who possessed a three car garage. Three. That’s extremely hard to come by in Chicago, let alone the area of Albany Park. I was five years old when my parents bought the house so I don’t recall what the previous owner looked like, but having my dad recall the story a countless amount of times, I often thought of him and what his connection to the families of crime may have been. There was definitely something there, but we just didn’t have any proof of it.

It is obviously something my subconscious mind thinks of considering it is a memory of my childhood and I believe those are such that are retained more so in our minds than memories created ten years ago.

Lately, I have also been dreaming of characters that I am rekindling with in my dreams: an indication of friends I have lost through falling outs and senseless arguments. I believe my dreams are telling me I have a desire of rekindling friendships, as I have written several posts on.

I recalled an old boyfriend in another dream. Someone I spent the most amount of time with way back when, before settling down. I never saw him again and I believe my dreams express curiosity. Is he okay? Is he happy? The formative years of our lives, especially when it involves another individual, develop such an impression on us, regardless of how the relationship ends up.

I had a dream about regrets. Regrets that I missed out on moments that I should have been there for.

These are all symbols that mean something to us. They are communicating a message to us and it’s up to us to decide if we want to act upon it.

That’s how I translate dreams and I hope this post is helpful in assisting you in deciphering yours as well.

Dream on.



Linda Adams
Linda Adams

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