Don’t give up
When I was in grade school, I used to bite my nails religiously. It was the first of many habits I would pick up and somewhat retain throughout my life. Bless my 5th grade teacher for diligently staying on top of me to quit. I eventually committed, albeit my occasionally anxious moments. Similarly, I have been cursed with nervous energy since I was a child: I bounce my knee when I’m sitting and I walk around in circles when on the phone. My mother used to say she couldn’t take me anywhere because I would never sit still. And to this day, she’s right.
When you acquire a habit as an adult, I think it’s much harder to quit. There definitely needs to be a level of commitment to quit, depending on the vice. Unfortunately, sometimes the habits consist of excessive drinking or smoking weed (which was mine) and it takes a high level of will power to stay away.
But like everything else in life, these experiences make us stronger. I don’t view them as downfalls, but rather as stepping stones to becoming a grounded human being.
I bring this up because I have given up a lot of habits lately, and as a result, I’ve realized I unconsciously reverted to older habits. The important lesson here is to convert your old/or existing habits into good and healthy habits. Such as working out, eating healthier or spending time doing things you’ve always wanted to do, such as play chess, take dancing lessons or learn a new language. They don’t become habits per say, but they are activities you partake in that will take your mind off the bad habits you used to exercise.
With this I will add that working out has become my new drug. I just started but adding this time to my daily regime has made it easier for me to drink more water and make better eating choices.
What’s your habit? Is there one you’ve been wanting to kick? If yes, think about the things you’ve always wanted to do — maybe something on your bucket list and consider it done.