I once knew a cutter
I couldn’t understand her
I cried for her confusion
Or what I thought was lost knowledge
Now I know better
Confession: I wanted to cut today
I wanted to feel something else
Wanted to forget what was breaking me
Didn’t want to feel pain
At least not in that way
I wanted to see results of something I could control
Suddenly believing in chances didn’t seem possible
Wanting to live wasn’t a need but a chore
Learning what wanting to cut really felt like, or so I imagined, was an eye opener
But I stopped myself from finding out
And here I am confessing what made me cry many times before
Truly understanding its warrant, its need, was something that had to happen
Now I’ll never judge. Perhaps, deep down before, I did
I understand
I could relate to someone who’s hurting and doesn’t want to
Cuz right now, I don’t want to too